When I was in high school I elected to take a class in isometric drafting, becoming the teacher's first female student in 1975. Learning technical drawing could have led to an internship in an engineering department at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Instead, despite parental protest to the high school principal, the work-study opportunity was awarded to a boy in my class because, the … [Read more...]
New Website Launch
I am pleased to present a new and improved website to view my artwork. Using a scalable framework, revisions have been made throughout the site to enhance the design with clear, intuitive navigation that provides a consistent, streamlined experience across a spectrum of mobile and touch screen computing devices. Check it out on your desktop, tablet, or cell phone today! Highlights include … [Read more...]
Website 2014 Update
Many changes throughout this website were implemented in February 2014. Content is edited and up-to-date with photos of recent work. The navigation is simpler. Sets of artwork are accessible within subordinated pages beneath tabs for Portfolios and Books. There are slideshow functions within image libraries that make it easier to flip through sets of images using next/previous arrows. The home … [Read more...]
Website Changes Complete
Recent revisions to this website are complete. There is now a single location that combines both the blog and the former website, the first website was designed using static HTML pages, at one address: https://www.larainearmenti.com. If you have links to the previous blog, please use this new address. The blog scroll is now the HOME page of this site. To reach HOME from other pages, click on … [Read more...]
New Site
I am pleased to announce the blog Laraine Armenti Art has migrated from being hosted on Blogger to being independently hosted using Wordpress. These changes consolidate the blog and website in one location — www.larainearmenti.com. All of the content from the Blogger site has been reformatted in the new Wordpress site. Blog posts will continue to be published approximately once a week with … [Read more...]
Vermont Garden
I am in the process of updating my website, which happens each year in the fall. It usually takes longer working on the computer than I want or expect, only to end up with reproductions that are thin gruel compared to the real paintings. However, there is a pleasure in sifting through the images; the process yields new feelings about what I've seen and been working on. Another benefit is being … [Read more...]