I prefer to paint "alla prima"—all at once—but recently I have been repainting earlier paintings without altering the basic structure. The painting above was repainted in the top third to change color relationships between background, objects, and cloth. I liked the glass and first egg, but I felt the placement was too close to the edge. I wanted to see if the the color and atmosphere could be … [Read more...]
Tomato, Knife, and Paper Bag
Tomato, Knife, and Paper Bag, oil on linen panel, 7.75 x 9.75 inch (20 x 25 cm), 06/30/2010 … [Read more...]
Tomato, Garlic, and Onion
Tomato, Garlic, and Onion, oil on linen panel, 5 x 7 in (12.7 x 17.78 cm), 3/16/2009 … [Read more...]
Bread, Gin, and Tomato
Bread, Gin, and Tomato, oil on paper, image 9.5 x 9.5 in, (24.13 x 24.13 cm), 03/13/2009 … [Read more...]
Teapot, Garlic, and Tomato
Teapot, garlic and tomato, oil on linen panel, 5 x 5 in (12.7 x 12.7 cm), 8/9/2008 … [Read more...]
Butter Pot and Tomato
Two objects of about the same size, shape, and color with different surfaces. ABOVE: Butter Pot and Tomato, oil on masonite, 5 x 7 in (12.7 x 17.78 cm), 6/3/2008 … [Read more...]