Daniel Smith Titanium White PW6, D.S. Lemon Yellow, D.S. Ultramarine Deep PB29, D.S. Cerulean Chromium PB36, Holbein Cobalt PB28, H Hydrangea PB15, Winsor Newton Viridian, WN Oxide of Chromium, WN Pale Cadmium Green PY35/PG18 Daniel Smith Titanium White PW6, WN Winsor Yellow PY74, D.S. Ultramarine Deep PB29, D.S. Cerulean Chromium PB36, Holbein Cobalt PB28, H Hydrangea PB15 Daniel … [Read more...]
BU First Month
Events are moving too quickly to post everything from the graduate school program on the blog. Here are highlights. The photographs are snapshots, hand held, daylight. The city paintings are influenced in part by recently reading Don DeLillo's White Noise. The story concerned an "airborne toxic event" hovering over Somerville, Mass, circa 1985. The next series of paintings use only black and … [Read more...]
Color Charts
In 1976, I purchased "The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques" by Ralph Mayer, following a respected instructor's advice that it was the only book of its kind I would ever need. Too many years later I came to understand how naive I was. Now a growing number of books on materials and methods in painting share shelf space laden with art history, biography, theory, and aesthetics. Paint … [Read more...]