Drawing resumes after work in December was disrupted in part by replacing — three times — a ten year old mac G4 with a shiny new malfunctioning i-mac. A peek behind the flawless curtain of brand image can be shocking, whether it's Apple, Tiger, or the mesmerizing decorative wrappings torn off another holiday season. The desire to believe in appearances persists. “Fancy thinking the Beast was … [Read more...]
Tomato, Garlic, and Onion
Tomato, Garlic, and Onion, oil on linen panel, 5 x 7 in (12.7 x 17.78 cm), 3/16/2009 … [Read more...]
Moleskine Drawings
11/24/08 11/24/08 11/26/08 … [Read more...]
Drawing in Public
I'm pushing myself to draw in public places by bringing a sketchbook with me wherever I go — and actually drawing in it. The Moleskine sketchbooks are compact, good for travel, but the paper has a waxy, slippery finish. It contributes to a wobbly line when using a micron pen. Here are some examples from a recent trip to New York city. ABOVE: Still-life, micron pen on Moleskine, 5.5 x 7 in … [Read more...]