My painting process often starts by sketching in black and white, even in the studio. The ink sketches in this landscape series are in earlier posts. In this painting, I made a quick pencil sketch on the same page and painted into it. This painting represents something of a breakthrough in controlling the drawing and anticipating the drying qualities of gouache done outdoors. ABOVE: Shoshone … [Read more...]
Cody Drawings — Day 2
Cody, Wyoming, pigma micron .25 mm on Cachet by Daler Rowney spiral sketchbook, 5"x7" (12.7 x 17.17cm), December 21 2007 … [Read more...]
Cody 2007
Periodically I draw and paint landscape from observation, then beat a hasty retreat as the outdoors belittles my efforts once more. Landscape demands good decision making. What is deceptive about great landscape paintings is how obvious they appear to be. It is a different experience outside. Some of the pitfalls include miles of view abundant with detail, and a long history of success by others … [Read more...]