One of many considerations for outside painting is choice of location. From the beginning the rough beauty of nature appealed to me as a subject, perhaps motivated by countless childhood hours spent on long, solitary walks in the woods. Most of these places were paved over in my lifetime. Is it nostalgia for what once was that attracts me to remnants of farms, rivers, and fields? Or mourning … [Read more...]
Broadmoor Flooded
Fall weather is making outdoor painting remarkably comfortable, without bugs, sunburn, nor freezing cold. The tributary through Broadmoor flooded, eliminating edges that formerly defined a receding channel. I'm feeling progress in scaling relative masses to create a sense of depth, keeping color clean with contrast, and having a better handle on the drawing/composition as I gain experience working … [Read more...]
I've set aside my ballpoint ink drawing pen to switch to pencil in order to improve my thumbnail studies for paintings. The picture above is a shape outline study; the one below is a value study. ABOVE: Tributary, pencil, 4x4 in (10 x 10 cm), 10/14/2009 Tributary, pencil, 4x4 in (10 x 10 cm), 10/22/2009 … [Read more...]
The morning started out cold but warmed up while we worked. ABOVE: Broadmoor, oil on paper, 8.75 x 10.25 in (22 x 26 cm), 9/26/2009 … [Read more...]