Nell Blaine’s (1922-1996) life is an inspiring story of action and indomitable spirit. Her life and art was a triumph over the greatest difficulties. In 1942, at age 19, she left home in Virginia for New York City, ignoring her mother’s tears and threats to have her committed if she did. As a teenager Blaine was an academic realist but quickly evolved into an abstract painter in New York. She … [Read more...]
Titian and the War
On a cold day in January 1991, I was at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. to see a large exhibition of paintings by Titian. A week earlier, President Bush announced the first Gulf War in response to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. Two days before the start date 25,000 people were on the mall to protest. This weekend saw 250,000. They carried signs that read “Support Our Troops” and “No … [Read more...]
Manet Copy
Manet’s painting "Plum Brandy" is one of my earliest favorites. With apologies to Manet, my copy could not capture to a greater extent the sweetness of the woman’s tired expression and alcohol-induced world weariness. This painting reveals Manet’s consummate skill of orchestrating a complex mix of color, design, paint handling, and emotion, all within the frame of contemporary life. The power … [Read more...]
Claude Monet Copies
Anyone who has tried to paint copies knows that it is an active form of learning, accomplishing much more than looking alone can produce. I am not usually a fan of “How-To-Paint” books, but “Paint Like Monet” by James Heard looked like fun. Nine gouache copies are presented here. The book has a simple approach to help the viewer see the underlying structure of each painting. I wanted to copy … [Read more...]