Recent revisions to this website are complete. There is now a single location that combines both the blog and the former website, the first website was designed using static HTML pages, at one address: If you have links to the previous blog, please use this new address.
The blog scroll is now the HOME page of this site. To reach HOME from other pages, click on the masthead name “Laraine Armenti” at the top of the page. From the static pages, click on the BLOG navigation link in the left column.
Other updates include simplified TABS that contain drop down menus for access to groups of work. A link to the former website for years 2002—08 can be found at the top of the image pages in CURRENT WORK, PAINTINGS, and DRAWINGS.
A NEWS page has been added that will collect and cross reference blog posts about events and shows. Many other small changes have been made throughout.
Please let me know if you spot errors or missing links, or if there are problems with email delivery. Let me know if you like the changes, too. Thank you very much for reading and following my work online.