One of many considerations for outside painting is choice of location. From the beginning the rough beauty of nature appealed to me as a subject, perhaps motivated by countless childhood hours spent on long, solitary walks in the woods. Most of these places were paved over in my lifetime. Is it nostalgia for what once was that attracts me to remnants of farms, rivers, and fields? Or mourning what’s gone? Noticing what survives is also a possibility; the enjoyment of a fine day, however oddly and unseasonably warm.
ABOVE: Broadmoor, gouache, 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25 cm), 10/28/2010
Broadmoor — no. 1, ink, 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25 cm), 10/28/2010
Broadmoor — no. 2, ink, 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25 cm), 10/28/2010
Broadmoor — no. 1, ink, 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25 cm), 10/29/2010
Broadmoor — no. 2, ink, 7″ x 10″ (18 x 25 cm), 10/29/2010