Drawing resumes after work in December was disrupted in part by replacing — three times — a ten year old mac G4 with a shiny new malfunctioning i-mac. A peek behind the flawless curtain of brand image can be shocking, whether it’s Apple, Tiger, or the mesmerizing decorative wrappings torn off another holiday season. The desire to believe in appearances persists. “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!” the Lord of the Flies told Simon, to take this to its darkest incarnation. “You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you?” Between the two aspects of the inner beast, let us choose to feed the friendly dog rather than the rabid one. Try a little tenderness. Begin again.
ABOVE: Pear, Clementine, Garlic, Onion — fountain pen, Daler Rowney sketchbook, 7×10 inches (18×25 cm), 12/27/2009
Pear, Clementine, Garlic, Onion — fountain pen, Daler Rowney sketchbook, 10×7 inches (25×18 cm), 12/27/2009
Pear, Clementine, Garlic, Onion — fountain pen, Daler Rowney sketchbook, 7×10 inches (18×25 cm), 12/27/2009